Women's  Wisdom Circles For The Spiritually Curious 

We are Cate & Lisa, your sisters in Folk! We are passionate about cultivating spaces for women which facilitate connection to and expression of the spiritual side of womanhood. Our Women's Circles are imbued with folklore and enchantment, women are liberated to explore every magical aspect of being. 

We would love to welcome you into this sisterhood of connection, creatrix magic and storytelling. 

You're invited to step into the circle...

Spirit Guides 

 Sunday the 14th July 2024

3.30-6.30 pm

The Meadow @ The Grange, Church Road, Ickford, Buckinghamshire

At this gathering we will be diving into the Spirit Guide wisdom as we journey our way further around the wheel of the year.

We are joyful to be out on the soft grass of the Meadow for this summer. What are the stories and wisdoms of the Spirit Guides? What is Earth as our divine mother inviting us to explore? Let us dive into all that this wisdom has to offer through our senses as we partake in sacred cacao ceremony, share Folk stories of the seen and unseen guardians and delve into the particular wisdoms available to us on this land at this time. .

Our Altar will be honouring The Sacred Guides as Mother Earth welcomes us onto the soft green folds of her rolling lands. Please bring anything you would like to add to it.

As always, plant based snacks to enjoy & a gift bag to take away for all attendees !


Upcoming  Folk Sister Wisdom Circles:

June 9th ~ Spirits of the Land

July 14th ~ Spirit Guide Archetypes 

September 9th ~ Folk Harvest Goddess of Abundance

October 6th ~ Sacred Dreaming 

November 3rd ~ The Veil is Thin

December 8th ~ Crystals, Rocks & Megaliths

All at The Meadow and/or Garden Hub, Church Road, Ickford. Plenty of free parking available.


Folk Sister! Folk Sister! Come to us, hear our whisper,

On the wind and through the trees, hear our song on the breeze,

As water flows find your way, join us at the close of day,

Gather, welcome, in circle we greet, as the sisters of yore with intention to meet,

Sky above and Earth below, here we stand come shine or snow,

To flame we cast our offerings high, in smoke they spiral up to the sky,

By turn of Earth, under ray of sun, the seeds we sow are celestially won,

Rest in soft meadows and weave our dreams, third eye open, receiving moon beams,

Folk sister come, with all that you are, ancient and new, multitudes as a star,

Sit with us, listen, talk, laugh and eat, wail if you need to or stomp with your feet,

Know you are welcome, you are kindred here, so join us folk sister in strength without fear.


© Copyright Lisa Wehbe Holistic Yoga & Wellbeing